The project..

Adam bought a 2006 Ford E250 cargo van, and now he's transforming it into a camper van (self-made Sportsmobile) for himself, Liz and the dogs (and maybe the cat). Liz is photodocumenting the project here, start to finish!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Rims!

Check them out. They are hot stuff. Adam says they take the van from "airport shuttle" to hardcore camper van. :)

And a few more updates inside the van:
First, a door with cubby hole for trash under the sink..

Added cover panel that flips down and easily slides out (for when we want to move long things that need the whole length of the van):

We bought some organizers: (will be used soon!)

Here's the galley cabinet with the silverware tray:

So, things are looking really great! And the weather is so nice out..feels like summer, which is a nice change from the crazy rain/hail we had last weekend.

The Bruce:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Galley cabinet, finishing touches, bike rack, and more!

Well, the amazingness continues! And (amazingly) it's getting finished up. I'm sure at times Adam wondered if these days would ever come....

First off, the galley cabinet. It hangs on one of the side doors (and is removable). See the step-by-step photos below. It will hold our silverware, cups, and other cooking necessities. 

Can open either door when it's all folded up. The silverware is now in a sliding holder (pulls out like a drawer) and the cups will fit below that in this top door. Below, we're not sure yet, but probably plates and bowls. 

Unlatch the side, swing it out...

Unlatch and pull down the back..

Can have the front open as well as shelves for cooking

Holds the stove! 

Pretty neat, huh? 

Also a couple of pictures I took of the inside of the van while sitting on the back seat:

The galley cabinet is really not in the way when you sit on the back seat (hard to take a picture that shows that) and it's nice when the van is parked, perfect place to put a drink or book!

Also, some pictures of the water tank under the back of the van, where the spare tire used to be. AND, I'm told that these pictures also show the sway bar that Adam installed to keep the van more steady during turns. We actually really do notice a difference--before the sway bar was installed it felt really roll-y back there, now it's much more stiff/steady feeling. 

THE BIKE RACK! It's coming along. Adam ordered a rack that goes on the back of the van to hold 2 extra bikes, and he's still working on adding a rack feature into the bumper. Here are some photos of the new "extra" rack that he ordered, plus 1 bike on the bumper (the one on the bumper is just temporarily affixed, but that's how it will look except it will be 2 bikes deep on the bumper plus 2 bikes on the extra rack). 

It all looks so orderly, unlike some bike racks with bikes hanging off at all angles...

And, check it out: All of the bikes (on the bumper and on the extra rack!) swing out easily as a unit (with the spare tire) so you can open the back of the van up!!

Pretty dang neat. There are no photos, but yesterday I made patterns for all of the windows so I can make curtains! Finally contributing something tangible. :) 

Unrelated, I had a fantastic weekend: two friends threw a wonderful bridal shower for me. Here are a couple of pictures!

Opening gifts! We also played amazingly fun (not super cheesy or embarrassing) games...most of them were baking themed...right up my alley (and my baking hobby also showed through in the gifts!).

And the fabulous hosts made favors for everyone: chocolate chip cookie kits (With all of the dry ingredients for cookies inside)--I got 2 jars worth and already made 1...delish!

Lastly, Adam and I spent a little cash a couple of weeks ago and bought ourselves a table and chairs set for the van! Check it out:

The chairs fold super flat and are really comfy (for me with all of my back issues..) and the table comes apart and folds into a really small/skinny rectangle. Fits right in the van's crevices! Very useful and sturdy. We're ready for good weather....

....speaking of weather, can someone remind me what month it is?! Yesterday we had hail:

And all day today we have had clouds and lots and lots of least the van has an awning!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Water system is a-go!

Yesterday we could have showered in the front yard, with hot water. Don't worry, we didn't, but check it out:

The whole unit hangs on the side of the van, and the clear hoses connect using "quick connects" into the side of the van. Adam cut a hole in the van, and added the little "quick connect portal" (it has a little door and locks). One hose connects to the sink inside and the other connects to the pump/water tank. 
To take a shower, all you do is make sure the pump is powered up (there is a switch inside the van), connect the hoses, and turn the valve to release water. As long as the pump has power, it keeps the system pressurized, so you just have to open the shower valve or the sink inside, and the pump automatically comes on to push water out. The water heater automatically comes on when water moves through it, so all you have to do is adjust the dials to change the temperature. All three dials control heat, just in various ways (amount of water flowing through the heater, amount of gas/flame, and number of flames [it has lines of flames, kind of like our gas bbq, where you can turn on a center line of flame, or just have the outside flame on]).

Pretend shower..
We will also just have a hose that connects to the water tank/pump system so if you just need to rinse something off outside of the van, you can do that without the water heater out. Also, the heater will eventually be stored in another "portal"under the van--Adam will cut another hole in the side of the van and install a long rectangular hatch so the heater will just slide inside for storage.

Inside of the van, we've got hot water too:

This is the pump under the sink (the shower connects into this system) and the sink. It all works, hot and cold! And this is automatic, as long as the pump has power, it keeps it pressurized so there is no need to turn switches to get hot water; just turn on the faucet like you're at home.

And, the bumper is getting closer to being done:
Tire is on!

Swings out!

Adam ordered a bike rack which will attach to the bumper, for extra bikes. The integrated bike rack isn't done yet, but it will hold 2 bikes mounted directly on the tire swing out arm. Pretty sweet...

This weekend I made strawberry freezer jam! We had won a silent auction earlier this year at the local Yolo Resource Conservation District dinner, and got two certificates to a local farm. One was for 1 gallon of you-pick strawberries (the other is for a box of tomatoes later this summer). On Friday I picked the berries, and yesterday I made jam as well as a strawberry clafouti. You might want to know what a clafouti is (unless you're my mom, who introduced me to clafouti!). Here are pictures:

Jam! I even caved in a bought plastic Ball brand containers for storing the jam in the freezer. The sqaure one is what we're eating now. I had it on an english muffin and some homemade cran-raisin-walnut bread this morning!

Clafouti is like a custardy dessert where you first put prepared fruit in a dish, then pour an egg-y batter over it; then bake for almost an hour. It's light and great served with ice cream!!
And of course today is Mother's day! I visited my mom on Friday and brought her and my dad lunch of iced tea, two kinds of sandwiches, salad fresh from our garden, and special dessert. They were so great and helped me with some wedding crafty projects that afternoon (I had the day off). Happy Mother's Day, mom! Today they are on the coast for a mini-vacation.

Hope everyone has a good week. Until next time...