The project..

Adam bought a 2006 Ford E250 cargo van, and now he's transforming it into a camper van (self-made Sportsmobile) for himself, Liz and the dogs (and maybe the cat). Liz is photodocumenting the project here, start to finish!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New shower thing, cat, snake

After our memorial day trip, we decided we really needed a better shower enclosure. It's hard to enjoy hot water when a cold breeze is blowing your protective tarp onto you, and all of the steam is escaping skyward! So check this out:

Yes, it's kinda dorky. But it has a roof, see?:

And you can zip open the roof if you want ventilation. 
You can see a video of how amazingly easy it is to pop open here.

So that's cool. 

This is cool too:

LOTS of rattlesnakes on the farm these days. Isn't this guy pretty?! He was in the storage barn. We've seen four other snakes in the past couple of days (three rattlers).

And isn't this cute?!: 

Adorbs. Check out that paw tucked in his neck. Dang, I love that cat. Bruce-tillion! 

1 comment:

  1. Whoohooooo! How could I forget that I'm meeting Bruce in a couple days?!

    The snake is pretty cool, although I'm not sure what I'd do if I found out it was hanging out next door...shudder.

    The shower enclosure is AWESOME! Would certainly have come in handy during the trip... ;)
